Friday, March 27, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Shakespearean Sonnets by the Students at the CYHSB

Clickest thou below to read some excellent Shakespearean sonnets from the students at the Cooper Yeshiva High School for Boys. 

An Analysis of "Helen on 86th Street" by J.J. Kampf

J.J. Kampf wrote an analysis on "Helen on 86th Street," by Wendi Kaufman. Read the original story here

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Shakespearean Sonnets by the Students at GMSG

Clickest thou below to read some excellent Shakespearean sonnets from the students at the Goldie Margolin School for Girls. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"After the Holocaust" by Shoshana Braverman

Creative Non-Fiction: "Surviving After the Holocaust" by Shoshana Braverman

"When the Walls Went Up" by Lily Morris

Poetry: When the Walls Went Up, by Lily Morris

Follow GMSGUpdate on Instagram

Do you want to keep up with the adventures of students at the Goldie Margolin School for Girls? Follow them on Instagram @GMSGUPDATE. 

Student Artwork by Chaya Ross

"Darkness Has Fallen on Greentown" by Sam Lulky

This poem is based on the novel Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

"Byzantium" by Rena Mashinsky

An essay on the Byzantine Empire by Rena Mashinsky

Student Artwork by the AP Literature Class

Student Artwork by Shani Braverman