Friday, January 22, 2016

The students at the MHAFYOS/GMSG had a special day of learning on the final day before the Winter break. As a class, they compared the experience of Holocaust victims to Japanese-Americans who were put into internment camps during World War II. Below is their poem.

Japanese American                                           Jews of the Holocaust

I am Japanese and I live in America                   I am Jewish and I live in Germany
                                      We are minorities but we are longstanding
                                                   upstanding citizens
                                            We have done nothing wrong

My ancestors have supported America                   My ancestors have supported Germany
                                                     We are persecuted
                                        We are taken in railroad cars to camps

We are being isolated                                              We are being slaughtered
                                           We are behind barbed wire

We suffer in internment camps                                We suffer in concentration camps
                                                     We are inferior
                                                       We are a threat

We are Americans but we are not                           We are Germans but we are not
                                                         Even when it’s over
                                             Our live will never be the same

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