Thursday, September 24, 2015

Future Marketers of America?

The AP English Language and Composition class demonstrated their understanding of persuasive appeals by creating advertisements. They were tasked to create an ad using Pathos (appeals to emotion), Logos (appeals to logic), and Ethos (appeals to credibility). The girls chose to make print ads, and the boys went the video route. 

Noga Finkelstein and Yehudit Fleischhacker created this ad for Toms shoes.

Lily Morris and Shani Braverman created this ad for Purina dog food.

Tani Finkelstein and Nachi Fleischhacker created this ad for the CHYSB Weekly.

Rafi Margolies and Elan Cooper appealed to compassion with this dog adoption video.

JJ Kampf and Efraim Weiner combined their love of sports and shoes to make this ad for sport sneakers.

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