Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Haiku by 9-10th Graders

Yesterday, Mr. Brame's students took advantage of the lovely spring weather and went outside to write haiku. Read them here! 

Digging in the dirt
Burying the neat flower
Watching it grow up
-Kayla Klazmer

As the flowers bloom
And the birds chirp in the sky
The cotton floats down
-Tamar Serman

The bird sings his song,
loudly, along with the breeze;
trotting on the weeds.
-Yehudit Fleishhacker

The robin, searching,
Worms and seeds for the children
Tweeting, chirping, hope.
-Chaya Klein

Smell the sweet tulips
Feel the fresh dew on my feet
Hear the small birds chirp
- Eliana Schlesinger

Grey clouds drift above
How gloomy this spring day seems
No life around me
-Rena Mashinsky

Placed in the damp dirt,
Nurturing the young infant,
White petals blossom. 
-Rena Osdoba

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